
Euler Tour Tree

Euler Tour Tree(欧拉游览树,欧拉回路树,后文简称 ETT)是一种可以解决 动态树 问题的数据结构。ETT 将动态树的操作转换成了其 DFS 序列上的区间操作,再用其他数据结构来维护序列的区间操作,从而维护动态树的操作。例如,ETT 将动态树的加边操作转换成了多个序列拆分操作和序列合并操作,如果能维护序列拆分操作和序列合并操作,就能维护动态树的加边操作。

LCT 也是一种可以解决动态树问题的数据结构,相比 ETT 而言 LCT 会更加常见。LCT 其实更适用于维护树链的信息,而 ETT 更加适用于维护 子树 的信息。例如,ETT 可以维护子树最小值而 LCT 不能。

ETT 可以使用任意数据结构维护,只需要该数据结构支持对应的序列区间操作,以及在复杂度上满足要求。一般情况下会使用例如 Splay,Treap 等平衡二叉搜索树来维护序列,而这些数据结构维护区间操作的复杂度均为 ,由此也可以在 的时间内维护动态树的操作。如果使用多叉平衡搜索树例如 B 树来维护区间操作,也可以做到更优的复杂度。

其实 ETT 可以理解为一种思想,就是通过维护某种和原树一一对应的序列,从而达到维护原树的目的,本文介绍的只是这个思想的一些可行的实现和应用。


如果把一条树边看成两条有向边的话,那么就可以把一棵树表示成一个有向图的欧拉回路,称为树的欧拉回路表示(Euler tour representation,ETR)。

后面要维护的序列其实是 ETR 的一个变种,把树中的点看成了自环也加到了 ETR 中,但是由于原始论文中作者没有给它起新的名字,就还是叫它 ETR 吧。

可以通过下述算法得到树 的 欧拉回路表示:

的欧拉回路表示 初始为空,DFS 的过程中每次访问一个节点或者一条有向边时就将其加到 的尾部,如此便可得到

中包含 个节点,则中包含 条有向边,而 DFS 的过程中,每个点和每条有向边都会被访问一次,所以 的长度为

把点 看成是一个自环,这样 就可以看成有向图中的一个欧拉回路。可以在欧拉回路的某处断开,将其看成是一些边的首尾相连组成的链;也可以把这样的链在断开处重新粘起来变回欧拉回路;还可以通过新增一些边把两个这样的链拼成一个新的欧拉回路。


ETT 的基本操作

以下 3 个操作算是 ETT 的基本操作,均可以转换成常数次序列的操作,所以这 3 个操作的复杂度和序列操作同阶。



即换根操作。ETT 中的换根操作被转换成了 1 个序列拆分操作和 1 个序列合并操作,也可以理解成 1 个区间平移操作。

记包含点 的树为 ,当前其树根为 ,现在要将树根换成 。树 对应的序列为 ,将 处拆分成序列 ,前者包含 之前的元素以及 ,后者包含剩余元素。则依次将 合并得到的序列,即为换根之后树对应的序列。

这里可以理解成对一个欧拉回路进行旋转操作,欧拉回路是一个环,旋转并不会改变欧拉回路的结构,也即不会改变树的结构,只是把点 旋转到了根的位置而已。

Insert(u, v)

即加边操作。ETT 中加边操作被转换成了 2 个序列拆分操作和 5 个序列合并操作。

记包含点 的树为 ,包含点 的树为 ,加边之后两颗树合并成了一颗树 。树 对应的序列为 ,树 对应的序列为

处拆分成序列 ,前者包含 之前的元素以及 ,后者包含剩余元素。类似地将 处拆分成序列 。则依次将 合并即可得到树 对应的序列


Delete(u, v)

即删边操作。ETT 中删边操作被转换成了 4 个序列拆分操作以及 1 个序列合并操作。

记包含边 和边 的树为 ,其对应序列为 。删边之后 分成了两颗树。

拆分成 ,删边形成的两颗树对应的序列分别为 以及 。注意,在序列 有可能出现在 的后面,此时可以先交换 的值然后再操作。



以下以非旋 Treap 为例介绍 ETT 的实现,需要读者事先了解使用非旋 Treap 维护区间操作的相关内容。

SplitMerge 都是非旋 Treap 的基本操作了,这里不再赘述。


假设 所在的序列为 ,将 处拆分成序列 ,前者包含 之前的元素以及 ,后者包含剩余元素。

如果 Treap 的每个节点额外维护自己的父亲的话,就可以实现 的时间内计算一个 Treap 节点对应的元素在序列中的位置,再根据位置去 Split 就可以实现上述功能。

也可以自底向上地拆分从而实现上述功能,这样做相比上述方法会更高效。具体就是,在从 对应的节点往根跳的过程中,根据二叉搜索树的性质就可以确定每个节点在 中位于 之前还是之后,根据这点就可以计算 在序列中的位置,也可以确定每个节点属于拆分后的哪一棵树。

 * Bottom up split treap p into 2 treaps a and b.
 *   - a: a treap containing nodes with position less than or equal to p.
 *   - b: a treap containing nodes with postion greater than p.
 * In the other word, split sequence containning p into two sequences, the first
 * one contains elements before p and element p, the second one contains
 * elements after p.
static std::pair<Node*, Node*> SplitUp2(Node* p) {
  Node *a = nullptr, *b = nullptr;
  b = p->right_;
  if (b) b->parent_ = nullptr;
  p->right_ = nullptr;

  bool is_p_left_child_of_parent = false;
  bool is_from_left_child = false;
  while (p) {
    Node* parent = p->parent_;

    if (parent) {
      is_p_left_child_of_parent = (parent->left_ == p);
      if (is_p_left_child_of_parent) {
        parent->left_ = nullptr;
      } else {
        parent->right_ = nullptr;
      p->parent_ = nullptr;

    if (!is_from_left_child) {
      a = Merge(p, a);
    } else {
      b = Merge(b, p);

    is_from_left_child = is_p_left_child_of_parent;
    p = parent;

  return {a, b};


假设 所在的序列为 ,将 处拆分成序列 ,,前者包含 之前的元素,后者包含剩余元素。

SplitUp2 的基础上稍作修改即可。


基于 SplitUp2 以及 Merge 易得。

void MakeRoot(int u) {
  Node* vertex_u = vertices_[u];
  auto [L1, L2] = Treap::SplitUp2(vertex_u);
  Treap::Merge(L2, L1);

Insert(u, v)

基于 SplitUp2 以及 Merge 易得。

void Insert(int u, int v) {
  Node* vertex_u = vertices_[u];
  Node* vertex_v = vertices_[v];

  Node* edge_uv = AllocateNode(u, v);
  Node* edge_vu = AllocateNode(v, u);
  tree_edges_[u][v] = edge_uv;
  tree_edges_[v][u] = edge_vu;

  auto [L11, L12] = Treap::SplitUp2(vertex_u);
  auto [L21, L22] = Treap::SplitUp2(vertex_v);

  Node* L = L12;
  L = Treap::Merge(L, L11);
  L = Treap::Merge(L, edge_uv);
  L = Treap::Merge(L, L22);
  L = Treap::Merge(L, L21);
  L = Treap::Merge(L, edge_vu);

Delete(u, v)

基于 SplitUp3 以及 Merge 易得。

void Delete(int u, int v) {
  Node* edge_uv = tree_edges_[u][v];
  Node* edge_vu = tree_edges_[v][u];

  int position_uv = Treap::GetPosition(edge_uv);
  int position_vu = Treap::GetPosition(edge_vu);
  if (position_uv > position_vu) {
    std::swap(edge_uv, edge_vu);
    std::swap(position_uv, position_vu);

  auto [L1, uv, _] = Treap::SplitUp3(edge_uv);
  auto [L2, vu, L3] = Treap::SplitUp3(edge_vu);
  Treap::Merge(L1, L3);



和点 连通,当且仅当两个点属于同一棵树 ,即 属于 ,这可以根据点 和点 对应的 Treap 节点所在的 Treap 的根是否相同判断。

例题 P2147[SDOI2008] 洞穴勘测


#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>

using i64 = int64_t;
using u64 = uint64_t;

void solve_case(int Case);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false), std::cin.tie(nullptr);
  int T = 1;
  // std::cin >> T;
  for (int t = 1; t <= T; ++t) {
  return 0;

 * Dynamic Forest Maintained With Euler Tour Tree.
 * As said in reference, link and cut operation of dynamic trees can be
 * transformed into sequence split and sequence merge operation, which can be
 * easily maintained using balanced search trees like Treap.
 * @reference: Dynamic trees as search trees via euler tours, applied to the
 * network simplex algorithm by Robert E. Tarjan.
 * https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02614369
class DynamicForest {
  static std::mt19937 rng_;

  struct Node {
    int size_;
    int priority_;

    Node* left_;
    Node* right_;
    Node* parent_;

    int from_;
    int to_;

    Node(int from, int to)
        : size_(1),
          to_(to) {}

    void Maintain() {
      size_ = 1;
      if (left_) {
        size_ += left_->size_;
        left_->parent_ = this;
      if (right_) {
        size_ += right_->size_;
        right_->parent_ = this;

  static int GetSize(Node* p) { return p == nullptr ? 0 : p->size_; }

  static Node* FindRoot(Node* p) {
    if (!p) return nullptr;

    while (p->parent_ != nullptr) p = p->parent_;
    return p;

  static std::string to_string(Node* p) {
    std::stringstream ss;

    ss << "Node [\n";

    std::function<void(Node*)> dfs = [&](Node* p) {
      if (!p) return;
      ss << "(" << p->from_ << "," << p->to_ << "),";

    ss << "]\n\n";

    return ss.str();

  Node* AllocateNode(int u, int v) {
    Node* p = new Node(u, v);
    return p;

  void FreeNode(Node*& p) {
    if (p) {
      delete p;
      p = nullptr;

   * Dynamic Sequence Maintained using Treap.
  class Treap {
     * Merge two treap a and b into a single treap, with keys in a less than
     * keys in b.
     * In the other word, concating sequence a and sequence b.
    static Node* Merge(Node* a, Node* b) {
      if (a == nullptr) return b;
      if (b == nullptr) return a;

      if (a->priority_ < b->priority_) {
        a->right_ = Merge(a->right_, b);
        return a;
      } else {
        b->left_ = Merge(a, b->left_);
        return b;

     * Get the number of nodes with keys less than or equal to the key of p.
     * In the other word, the the 1-based index of p inside the sequencec
     * containing p.
    static int GetPosition(Node* p) {
      assert(p != nullptr);

      int position = GetSize(p->left_) + 1;
      while (p) {
        if (p->parent_ && p == p->parent_->right_)
          position += GetSize(p->parent_->left_) + 1;
        p = p->parent_;
      return position;

     * Split sequence containning p into two sequences, the first one contains
     * the first k elements, the second one contains the remaining elements.
    static std::pair<Node*, Node*> Split(Node* p, int k) {
      if (!p) return {nullptr, nullptr};

      std::pair<Node*, Node*> result;

      if (GetSize(p->left_) < k) {
        auto right_result = Split(p->right_, k - GetSize(p->left_) - 1);
        p->right_ = right_result.first;

        result.first = p;
        result.second = right_result.second;
      } else {
        auto left_result = Split(p->left_, k);
        p->left_ = left_result.second;

        result.first = left_result.first;
        result.second = p;


      if (result.first) result.first->parent_ = nullptr;

      if (result.second) result.second->parent_ = nullptr;

      return result;

     * Bottom up split treap p into 2 treaps a and b.
     *   - a: a treap containing nodes with position less than or equal to p.
     *   - b: a treap containing nodes with postion greater than p.
     * In the other word, split sequence containning p into two sequences, the
     * first one contains elements before p and element p, the second one
     * contains elements after p.
    static std::pair<Node*, Node*> SplitUp2(Node* p) {
      assert(p != nullptr);

      Node *a = nullptr, *b = nullptr;
      b = p->right_;
      if (b) b->parent_ = nullptr;
      p->right_ = nullptr;

      bool is_p_left_child_of_parent = false;
      bool is_from_left_child = false;
      while (p) {
        Node* parent = p->parent_;

        if (parent) {
          is_p_left_child_of_parent = (parent->left_ == p);
          if (is_p_left_child_of_parent) {
            parent->left_ = nullptr;
          } else {
            parent->right_ = nullptr;
          p->parent_ = nullptr;

        if (!is_from_left_child) {
          a = Merge(p, a);
        } else {
          b = Merge(b, p);

        is_from_left_child = is_p_left_child_of_parent;
        p = parent;

      return {a, b};

     * Bottom up split treap p into 3 treaps a, b and c.
     *   - a: a treap containing nodes with key less than p.
     *   - b: a treap containing nodes with key greater than p.
     *   - c: a treap containing nodes with key equal p.
     * In the other word, split sequence containning p into three sequences, the
     * first one contains elements before p, the second one contains element p,
     * the third one contains elements after p.
    static std::tuple<Node*, Node*, Node*> SplitUp3(Node* p) {
      assert(p != nullptr);

      Node* a = p->left_;
      if (a) a->parent_ = nullptr;
      p->left_ = nullptr;

      Node* b = p->right_;
      if (b) b->parent_ = nullptr;
      p->right_ = nullptr;

      Node* c = p;

      bool is_p_left_child_of_parent = false;
      bool is_from_left_child = false;
      Node* parent = p->parent_;
      if (parent) {
        is_p_left_child_of_parent = (parent->left_ == p);
        if (is_p_left_child_of_parent) {
          parent->left_ = nullptr;
        } else {
          parent->right_ = nullptr;
        p->parent_ = nullptr;
      is_from_left_child = is_p_left_child_of_parent;
      p = parent;

      while (p) {
        Node* parent = p->parent_;

        if (parent) {
          is_p_left_child_of_parent = (parent->left_ == p);
          if (is_p_left_child_of_parent) {
            parent->left_ = nullptr;
          } else {
            parent->right_ = nullptr;
          p->parent_ = nullptr;

        if (!is_from_left_child) {
          a = Merge(p, a);
        } else {
          b = Merge(b, p);

        is_from_left_child = is_p_left_child_of_parent;
        p = parent;

      return {a, c, b};

  DynamicForest(int n) : n_(n), vertices_(n_), tree_edges_(n_) {
    assert(n_ > 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) vertices_[i] = AllocateNode(i, i);

  ~DynamicForest() {
    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) {
      for (auto p : tree_edges_[i]) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) {

  void Insert(int u, int v) {

    Node* vertex_u = vertices_[u];
    Node* vertex_v = vertices_[v];

    Node* edge_uv = AllocateNode(u, v);
    Node* edge_vu = AllocateNode(v, u);
    tree_edges_[u][v] = edge_uv;
    tree_edges_[v][u] = edge_vu;

    int position_u = Treap::GetPosition(vertex_u);
    int position_v = Treap::GetPosition(vertex_v);

    auto p1 = Treap::SplitUp2(vertex_u);
    auto p2 = Treap::SplitUp2(vertex_v);
    auto L11 = p1.first, L12 = p1.second;
    auto L21 = p2.first, L22 = p2.second;

    assert(GetSize(L11) == position_u);
    assert(GetSize(L21) == position_v);

    Node* result = nullptr;
    result = Treap::Merge(result, L12);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, L11);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, edge_uv);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, L22);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, L21);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, edge_vu);

  void Delete(int u, int v) {

    Node* edge_uv = tree_edges_[u][v];
    Node* edge_vu = tree_edges_[v][u];

    int position_uv = Treap::GetPosition(edge_uv);
    int position_vu = Treap::GetPosition(edge_vu);
    if (position_uv > position_vu) {
      std::swap(edge_uv, edge_vu);
      std::swap(position_uv, position_vu);

    auto p1 = Treap::SplitUp3(edge_uv);
    auto L1 = std::get<0>(p1), uv = std::get<1>(p1);
    assert(GetSize(L1) == position_uv - 1);
    assert(GetSize(uv) == 1);

    auto p2 = Treap::SplitUp3(edge_vu);
    auto L2 = std::get<0>(p2), vu = std::get<1>(p2), L3 = std::get<2>(p2);
    assert(GetSize(L2) == position_vu - position_uv - 1);
    assert(GetSize(vu) == 1);

    L1 = Treap::Merge(L1, L3);


  bool IsConnected(int u, int v) {
    Node* vertex_u = vertices_[u];
    Node* vertex_v = vertices_[v];
    return FindRoot(vertex_u) == FindRoot(vertex_v);

  std::string to_string() const {
    std::stringstream ss;

    ss << "DynamicForest [\n";

    std::function<void(Node*)> dfs = [&](Node* p) {
      if (!p) return;
      ss << "(" << p->from_ << "," << p->to_ << "),";
    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) {
      if (vertices_[i]->parent_ == nullptr) {
        ss << "  Component [";
        ss << "]\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) {
      for (auto p : tree_edges_[i]) {
        if (p.second->parent_ == nullptr) {
          ss << "  Component [";
          ss << "]\n";

    ss << "]\n\n";

    return ss.str();

  int n_;
  std::vector<Node*> vertices_;
  std::vector<std::map<int, Node*>> tree_edges_;

std::mt19937 DynamicForest::rng_(std::random_device{}());

void solve_case(int Case) {
  int n, m;
  std::cin >> n >> m;

  DynamicForest t(n + 1);
  std::string op;
  int u, v;
  for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
    std::cin >> op;
    std::cin >> u >> v;
    if (op[0] == 'Q') {
      std::cout << (t.IsConnected(u, v) ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
    } else if (op[0] == 'C') {
      t.Insert(u, v);
    } else if (op[0] == 'D') {
      t.Delete(u, v);



对于 中每一个元素,如果这个元素对应的是树中的点,则令其权值为 ;如果这个元素对应的是树中的边,则令其权值为 。现在树 的节点数量就可以看成 中元素的权值和,只需要再维护序列权值和即可实现维护子树节点数量。而序列权值和的维护是非旋 Treap 的经典操作了。


例题 LOJ #2230.「BJOI2014」大融合

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>

using i64 = int64_t;
using u64 = uint64_t;

void solve_case(int Case);

int main() {
  std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false), std::cin.tie(nullptr);
  int T = 1;
  // std::cin >> T;
  for (int t = 1; t <= T; ++t) {
  return 0;

 * Dynamic Forest Maintained With Euler Tour Tree.
 * As said in reference, link and cut operation of dynamic trees can be
 * transformed into sequence split and sequence merge operation, which can be
 * easily maintained using balanced search trees like Treap.
 * @reference: Dynamic trees as search trees via euler tours, applied to the
 * network simplex algorithm by Robert E. Tarjan.
 * https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02614369
class DynamicForest {
  static std::mt19937 rng_;

  struct Node {
    int size_;
    int priority_;

    Node* left_;
    Node* right_;
    Node* parent_;

    int from_;
    int to_;

    int num_vertex_;
    int num_edge_;

    Node(int from, int to)
        : size_(1),
          num_vertex_(from_ == to_ ? 1 : 0),
          num_edge_(from_ == to_ ? 0 : 1) {}

    void Maintain() {
      size_ = 1;
      num_vertex_ = from_ == to_ ? 1 : 0;
      num_edge_ = from_ == to_ ? 0 : 1;
      if (left_) {
        size_ += left_->size_;
        left_->parent_ = this;

        num_vertex_ += left_->num_vertex_;
        num_edge_ += left_->num_edge_;
      if (right_) {
        size_ += right_->size_;
        right_->parent_ = this;

        num_vertex_ += right_->num_vertex_;
        num_edge_ += right_->num_edge_;

  static int GetSize(Node* p) { return p == nullptr ? 0 : p->size_; }

  static Node* FindRoot(Node* p) {
    if (!p) return nullptr;

    while (p->parent_ != nullptr) p = p->parent_;
    return p;

  static std::string to_string(Node* p) {
    std::stringstream ss;

    ss << "Node [\n";

    std::function<void(Node*)> dfs = [&](Node* p) {
      if (!p) return;
      ss << "(" << p->from_ << "," << p->to_ << "),";

    ss << "]\n\n";

    return ss.str();

  Node* AllocateNode(int u, int v) {
    Node* p = new Node(u, v);
    return p;

  void FreeNode(Node*& p) {
    if (p) {
      delete p;
      p = nullptr;

   * Dynamic Sequence Maintained using Treap.
  class Treap {
     * Merge two treap a and b into a single treap, with keys in a less than
     * keys in b.
     * In the other word, concating sequence a and sequence b.
    static Node* Merge(Node* a, Node* b) {
      if (a == nullptr) return b;
      if (b == nullptr) return a;

      if (a->priority_ < b->priority_) {
        a->right_ = Merge(a->right_, b);
        return a;
      } else {
        b->left_ = Merge(a, b->left_);
        return b;

     * Get the number of nodes with keys less than or equal to the key of p.
     * In the other word, the the 1-based index of p inside the sequencec
     * containing p.
    static int GetPosition(Node* p) {
      assert(p != nullptr);

      int position = GetSize(p->left_) + 1;
      while (p) {
        if (p->parent_ && p == p->parent_->right_)
          position += GetSize(p->parent_->left_) + 1;
        p = p->parent_;
      return position;

     * Split sequence containning p into two sequences, the first one contains
     * the first k elements, the second one contains the remaining elements.
    static std::pair<Node*, Node*> Split(Node* p, int k) {
      if (!p) return {nullptr, nullptr};

      std::pair<Node*, Node*> result;

      if (GetSize(p->left_) < k) {
        auto right_result = Split(p->right_, k - GetSize(p->left_) - 1);
        p->right_ = right_result.first;

        result.first = p;
        result.second = right_result.second;
      } else {
        auto left_result = Split(p->left_, k);
        p->left_ = left_result.second;

        result.first = left_result.first;
        result.second = p;


      if (result.first) result.first->parent_ = nullptr;

      if (result.second) result.second->parent_ = nullptr;

      return result;

     * Bottom up split treap p into 2 treaps a and b.
     *   - a: a treap containing nodes with position less than or equal to p.
     *   - b: a treap containing nodes with postion greater than p.
     * In the other word, split sequence containning p into two sequences, the
     * first one contains elements before p and element p, the second one
     * contains elements after p.
    static std::pair<Node*, Node*> SplitUp2(Node* p) {
      assert(p != nullptr);

      Node *a = nullptr, *b = nullptr;
      b = p->right_;
      if (b) b->parent_ = nullptr;
      p->right_ = nullptr;

      bool is_p_left_child_of_parent = false;
      bool is_from_left_child = false;
      while (p) {
        Node* parent = p->parent_;

        if (parent) {
          is_p_left_child_of_parent = (parent->left_ == p);
          if (is_p_left_child_of_parent) {
            parent->left_ = nullptr;
          } else {
            parent->right_ = nullptr;
          p->parent_ = nullptr;

        if (!is_from_left_child) {
          a = Merge(p, a);
        } else {
          b = Merge(b, p);

        is_from_left_child = is_p_left_child_of_parent;
        p = parent;

      return {a, b};

     * Bottom up split treap p into 3 treaps a, b and c.
     *   - a: a treap containing nodes with key less than p.
     *   - b: a treap containing nodes with key greater than p.
     *   - c: a treap containing nodes with key equal p.
     * In the other word, split sequence containning p into three sequences, the
     * first one contains elements before p, the second one contains element p,
     * the third one contains elements after p.
    static std::tuple<Node*, Node*, Node*> SplitUp3(Node* p) {
      assert(p != nullptr);

      Node* a = p->left_;
      if (a) a->parent_ = nullptr;
      p->left_ = nullptr;

      Node* b = p->right_;
      if (b) b->parent_ = nullptr;
      p->right_ = nullptr;

      Node* c = p;

      bool is_p_left_child_of_parent = false;
      bool is_from_left_child = false;
      Node* parent = p->parent_;
      if (parent) {
        is_p_left_child_of_parent = (parent->left_ == p);
        if (is_p_left_child_of_parent) {
          parent->left_ = nullptr;
        } else {
          parent->right_ = nullptr;
        p->parent_ = nullptr;
      is_from_left_child = is_p_left_child_of_parent;
      p = parent;

      while (p) {
        Node* parent = p->parent_;

        if (parent) {
          is_p_left_child_of_parent = (parent->left_ == p);
          if (is_p_left_child_of_parent) {
            parent->left_ = nullptr;
          } else {
            parent->right_ = nullptr;
          p->parent_ = nullptr;

        if (!is_from_left_child) {
          a = Merge(p, a);
        } else {
          b = Merge(b, p);

        is_from_left_child = is_p_left_child_of_parent;
        p = parent;

      return {a, c, b};

  DynamicForest(int n) : n_(n), vertices_(n_), tree_edges_(n_) {
    assert(n_ > 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) vertices_[i] = AllocateNode(i, i);

  ~DynamicForest() {
    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) {
      for (auto p : tree_edges_[i]) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) {

  void MakeRoot(int u) {
    Node* vertex_u = vertices_[u];

    int position_u = Treap::GetPosition(vertex_u);

    auto p1 = Treap::SplitUp2(vertex_u);
    auto L1 = p1.first, L2 = p1.second;
    assert(GetSize(L1) == position_u);

    Treap::Merge(L2, L1);

  void Insert(int u, int v) {

    Node* vertex_u = vertices_[u];
    Node* vertex_v = vertices_[v];

    Node* edge_uv = AllocateNode(u, v);
    Node* edge_vu = AllocateNode(v, u);
    tree_edges_[u][v] = edge_uv;
    tree_edges_[v][u] = edge_vu;

    int position_u = Treap::GetPosition(vertex_u);
    int position_v = Treap::GetPosition(vertex_v);

    auto p1 = Treap::SplitUp2(vertex_u);
    auto p2 = Treap::SplitUp2(vertex_v);
    auto L11 = p1.first, L12 = p1.second;
    auto L21 = p2.first, L22 = p2.second;

    assert(GetSize(L11) == position_u);
    assert(GetSize(L21) == position_v);

    Node* result = nullptr;
    result = Treap::Merge(result, L12);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, L11);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, edge_uv);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, L22);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, L21);
    result = Treap::Merge(result, edge_vu);

  void Delete(int u, int v) {

    Node* edge_uv = tree_edges_[u][v];
    Node* edge_vu = tree_edges_[v][u];

    int position_uv = Treap::GetPosition(edge_uv);
    int position_vu = Treap::GetPosition(edge_vu);
    if (position_uv > position_vu) {
      std::swap(edge_uv, edge_vu);
      std::swap(position_uv, position_vu);

    auto p1 = Treap::SplitUp3(edge_uv);
    auto L1 = std::get<0>(p1), uv = std::get<1>(p1);
    assert(GetSize(L1) == position_uv - 1);
    assert(GetSize(uv) == 1);

    auto p2 = Treap::SplitUp3(edge_vu);
    auto L2 = std::get<0>(p2), vu = std::get<1>(p2), L3 = std::get<2>(p2);
    assert(GetSize(L2) == position_vu - position_uv - 1);
    assert(GetSize(vu) == 1);

    L1 = Treap::Merge(L1, L3);


  bool IsConnected(int u, int v) {
    Node* vertex_u = vertices_[u];
    Node* vertex_v = vertices_[v];
    return FindRoot(vertex_u) == FindRoot(vertex_v);

  int GetComponentSize(int u) {
    Node* vertex_u = vertices_[u];
    Node* root_of_vertex_u = FindRoot(vertex_u);
    return GetSize(root_of_vertex_u);

  int GetComponentNumberOfVertex(int u) {
    Node* vertex_u = vertices_[u];
    Node* root_of_vertex_u = FindRoot(vertex_u);
    return root_of_vertex_u ? root_of_vertex_u->num_vertex_ : 0;

  std::string to_string() const {
    std::stringstream ss;

    ss << "DynamicForest [\n";

    std::function<void(Node*)> dfs = [&](Node* p) {
      if (!p) return;
      ss << "(" << p->from_ << "," << p->to_ << "),";
    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) {
      if (vertices_[i]->parent_ == nullptr) {
        ss << "  Component [";
        ss << "]\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i) {
      for (auto p : tree_edges_[i]) {
        if (p.second->parent_ == nullptr) {
          ss << "  Component [";
          ss << "]\n";

    ss << "]\n\n";

    return ss.str();

  int n_;
  std::vector<Node*> vertices_;
  std::vector<std::map<int, Node*>> tree_edges_;

std::mt19937 DynamicForest::rng_(std::random_device{}());

void solve_case(int Case) {
  int n, q;
  std::cin >> n >> q;

  DynamicForest t(n + 1);
  std::string op;
  int u, v;
  for (int i = 1; i <= q; ++i) {
    std::cin >> op >> u >> v;
    if (op[0] == 'A') {
      t.Insert(u, v);
    } else if (op[0] == 'Q') {
      t.Delete(u, v);
      int ans = i64(1) * t.GetComponentNumberOfVertex(u) *
      t.Insert(u, v);
      std::cout << ans << "\n";


可以使用一个比较常见的技巧就是借助括号序的性质将树链信息转化成区间信息,然后就可以借助数据结构维护序列从而维护树链信息了。但是这个技巧要求维护的信息满足 可减性

前面介绍的动态树操作对应的序列操作可能会把括号序中的右括号移动到左括号前,所以维护树链点权和之类的信息时还需要额外注意,操作时不能改变对应左右括号的先后顺序,而这可能需要重新思考动态树操作对应的序列操作,甚至重新思考维护什么 DFS 序。

此外,ETT 很难维护树链修改。

例题 「星际探索」



虽然上文提到过块状链表实现 ETT
FHQ Treap 实现。
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
constexpr int N = 1000000;
using namespace std;
long long rt, tot, f[N], rnd[N], ls[N], rs[N], siz[N], tag[N], val[N], sum[N],
    pd[N], pds[N];

void pushup(long long x) {
  siz[x] = siz[ls[x]] + siz[rs[x]] + 1;
  sum[x] = sum[ls[x]] + sum[rs[x]] + val[x];
  pds[x] = pds[ls[x]] + pds[rs[x]] + pd[x];

void link(long long x, long long c, long long y) {
  if (c)
    rs[x] = y;
    ls[x] = y;
  if (y) f[y] = x;

long long newNode(long long x, long long y) {
  siz[++tot] = 1;
  val[tot] = sum[tot] = x;
  pd[tot] = pds[tot] = y;
  rnd[tot] = rand();
  return tot;

void setTag(long long x, long long v) {
  tag[x] += v;
  sum[x] += v * pds[x];
  val[x] += v * pd[x];

void pushdown(long long x) {
  if (ls[x]) setTag(ls[x], tag[x]);
  if (rs[x]) setTag(rs[x], tag[x]);
  tag[x] = 0;

void split(long long now, long long k, long long &x, long long &y) {
  f[now] = 0;
  if (!now) {
    x = y = 0;
  if (siz[ls[now]] + 1 <= k) {
    x = now;
    split(rs[now], k - siz[ls[now]] - 1, rs[x], y);
    link(x, 1, rs[x]);
  } else {
    y = now;
    split(ls[now], k, x, ls[y]);
    link(y, 0, ls[y]);

long long merge(long long x, long long y) {
  if (!x || !y) return x | y;
  if (rnd[x] < rnd[y]) {
    link(x, 1, merge(rs[x], y));
    return x;
  } else {
    link(y, 0, merge(x, ls[y]));
    return y;

long long rnk(long long x) {
  long long c = 1, ans = 0;
  while (x) {
    if (c) ans += siz[ls[x]] + 1;
    c = (rs[f[x]] == x);
    x = f[x];
  return ans;

long long s[N], e[N];

void add(long long x, long long v) {
  long long a, b, c;
  split(rt, rnk(s[x]) - 1, a, b);
  split(b, rnk(e[x]) - rnk(s[x]) + 1, b,
        c);  // 这里 b 是我们要进行操作的子树的括号序列。
  setTag(b, v);
  rt = merge(merge(a, b), c);

long long query(long long x) {
  long long a, b;
  split(rt, rnk(s[x]), a, b);
  long long ans = sum[a];
  rt = merge(a, b);
  return ans;

void changeFa(long long x, long long y) {
  long long a, b, c, d;
  split(rt, rnk(s[x]) - 1, a, b);
  split(b, rnk(e[x]) - rnk(s[x]) + 1, b, c);
  a = merge(
      c);  // 因为我们确定不了要设置为父亲的节点在括号序列中的哪边,所以先把两边合并。
  split(a, rnk(s[y]), a, d);
  rt = merge(merge(a, b), d);  // 把要进行操作的子树放在父亲括号序列的最前面。

/*main function*/
long long n, m, w[N];
vector<long long> v[N];

void dfs(long long x) {
  rt = merge(rt, s[x] = newNode(w[x], 1));
  for (auto to : v[x]) dfs(to);
  rt = merge(rt, e[x] = newNode(-w[x], -1));

signed main() {
  cin >> n;
  for (long long i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
    long long f;
    cin >> f;
  for (long long i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> w[i];
  cin >> m;
  for (long long i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
    char c;
    cin >> c;
    if (c == 'Q') {
      long long d;
      cin >> d;
      cout << query(d) << endl;
    } else if (c == 'C') {
      long long x, y;
      cin >> x >> y;
      changeFa(x, y);
    } else {
      long long p, q;
      cin >> p >> q;
      add(p, q);
  return 0;


  • Dynamic trees as search trees via euler tours, applied to the network simplex algorithm - Robert E. Tarjan
  • Randomized fully dynamic graph algorithms with polylogarithmic time per operation - Henzinger et al.

最后更新: 2024年11月19日
创建日期: 2018年7月11日